Blogging is so arrogant.

Nobody, I guarantee this, would write so much about minutae if they weren't totally convinced that their lives were more interesting or quirky or profound or illustrious than joe lunchbox's life. Just wanted to get that out there. I know for a fact that my life is not any of the above but i like my writing to ironically seem that i do. Make sense? It's all in the irony.
So how do you title a blog that is only truly pertinent to you and everything you without sounding vague and ambiguous in light of the fact that thousands of people who aren't you will be reading? Impossible.
I am writing this from the public bibliotheque where this computer and the thousands of books and dvds and other resources i don't need to know about since i'm not going for a ph.D are glorious manifestations of my tax dollars truly at work.
I have been grotesquely (if that is possible) out of touch with my consituents for a really long time now, and I realized that that is why i have had nary an interesting or funny thing to write about, and the reason my former blog grew mold on it. I don't know what i am going to write about, but darn it i have a new Social Security card and a new drivers license so a new blog was the next step.
How's married life. Magical and mystical and great even when it's hard. Which is why it's a far cry from dating life. Yeesh...Plus now I get to use my Crock Pot at least 3 times a week :)
Thank You note writing must commence in t-minus 30 minutes and counting or today is a failure.
So, I'm doing this. I don't get to write anything now with the buffer of at least an ocean or two between us (except for Judy and Genevieve - boo.) Scary, I welcome conflict, also or discussion - so bring it. Affirmation is good, too.
So. You started this. Interrrrrrresting. I finally discovered (in trying to understand your blog... humhum...) that a Crock Pot is a slow cooker. Phew. That invention hasn't crossed the ocean yet, as far as I know. Europe – the continent of fast food, you know. ;-)
So far for the conflict, now something encouraging: The way you use the English language, it's almost French already. :-)
Haha, you are so much fun, Molly. I love you.
oh... and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Discussion? Well, From my experience blogs come in several kinds.
First there are the boredom blogs. These are the blogs where the publisher had nothing better to do with themselves but write about what suzi and jake are did last night on your couch. This is usually accompanied with a blurb stating their all encompassing bordom.
Then there are the escape blogs. These blogs were created to add excitement to a mundane life, the author commenting on their life and every little thing that happened on the way to their boring small cubical job(like running red lights and running into a hot guy at the supermarket. Maybe by writing about it, it will make their life somewhat interesting and meaningful.
And of course we musn't forget the Advertising, Mini league baseball, and "YAH BUSH!" political blogs. You know what I mean.
And finally, there are the intellegent blogs. These are few and far between, but when you run across a blog who's blogger actually has something intelligent to say you pay attention. It's not that the posts found there are all worthy of poly-sci awards or that they are genious's per se, but that each post is well thought out, employs critical thinking and actually has a theme or a point to it. The writing here enlightens and the reader goes away with the feeling that they have actually gained something from the experience.
Blogs are as unique as their publisher. I gave up with words and pursued expression with photos ( I know your new blog, whatever the format, will be worthy of a second read...
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